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Opportunities for Experience


Unique among colleges and universities in the United States, our tradition of the Greek Play goes back to 1909.

Every other year, students perform an authentic Greek drama. The production adheres to the original conventions that governed theatre in the time of the great tragedians, believing that the best plays will emerge from the conditions for which they were written.

The College boasts the Mabel K. 怀特塞德希腊剧院, a classic outdoor Greek theatre also affectionately known by students as The Dell. This unique facility allows the plays to be performed in daylight for an audience seated in a semi-circle around the performers.

The event is one of the most anticipated in the area and in recent years has been accompanied by a Greek festival with students from neighboring schools.

Learn more about the Greek Play.


365亚洲版是 古代戏剧中心 which hosts the Greek Play and the national “Ancient Drama in Performance” academic conference.


We help our students to gain firsthand experience of the ancient and modern Mediterranean by studying for a semester in Greece and/or Italy. 我们的附属项目是……

  • 雅典大学 – an academically rigorous program of study combined with the vibrant experience of day-to-day contact with the people, 纪念碑, 和希腊的风景
  • Advanced students may also study under the auspices of the American School of Classical Studies 在希腊雅典.

我们也鼓励 夏天的研究 sponsored by the College and other institutions.



  • 迈尔艺术博物馆
  • The 古代戏剧中心
  • 弗吉尼亚圣公会学校
  • Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest
  • 芝加哥的抒情歌剧院
  • 特柳赖德博物馆(科罗拉多州)
  • Preservation Institute, Nantucket

Eta Sigma Phi荣誉协会

Since 1965 the department has been home to the Delta Alpha chapter of Eta Sigma Phi, a nationwide honors society for superior students of Greek and Latin. Our chapter participates in nationwide translation contests and has sent members to participate in the national convention. The annual initiation ceremony is a great occasion on which to meet 教师 和学生 of neighboring 经典 programs in Virginia, including Sweet Briar College and Hampden-Sydney College.

Archaeological Institute of America

The 经典 department is  the academic home of the Lynchburg chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA). The AIA’s national lecture program brings working archaeologists of different interests to our campus to share their research.大卫·F. 老安东尼. Memorial Lecture is given every year by a Virginia archaeologist. The membership of the local chapter includes professional archaeologists, 教师, 老师, 和学生. The lectures are a great opportunity to meet lovers of archaeology in the Lynchburg community.




每年圣诞节前后, Latin classes take to the halls of Randolph to sing Christmas carols in Latin and perform at the tree lighting ceremony with carolers in other languages. On the 21st of April we celebrate Parilia with a BIG birthday cake in honor of the City of Rome.

Throughout the year the department takes field trips, as part of classes or just for fun to see plays, Museum exhibits and hear lectures. We sponsor occasional competitions, most recently a critical reading of 《365亚洲版》 and impromptu celebrations like a Roman Banquet and Dancing in the Dell.

Student/教师 Summer Research

经典 students participate in summer research projects such as constructing authentic Greek drama masks and studying Roman tombstones. Learn more about the Summer Research Program.

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