
最近一笔1美元的赠款,000,000 from the National Science Foundation (NSF)’s Scholarships in Science, 技术, 工程, 和 Mathematics (S-STEM) program allow R和olph College to make college more accessible for physical science 和 math majors.

If you are ready to apply, the SUPER Program 补充申请 在这里. Please answer the three questions at the end of the 补充申请 as short application essays: while they are not expected to be lengthy, we do ask for at least a few full sentences. For more information 和 eligibility, please continue to read below.

学习 about SUPER from our video.


The scholarship program, “Step-Up to Physical Science 和 工程 at R和olph College (SUPER),” builds on R和olph’s SUPER College Transition Program, 为期两周的, 密集的, three-credit course that begins before first-years arrive on campus. The Summer Transition Program cost of $4,112包括4个学分, 房间, 董事会, 实地考察费用, 和物资, 和 all students accepted into the program will receive scholarships to cover this cost. Some participants in the SUPER program will receive 额外的 academic scholarships that are awarded based on merit, 和 certain qualifications that include demonstrated financial need (via the FAFSA, which must be submitted each year).

The 2024 Summer Program (required of all first-year SUPER participants) will run from August 4 to August 18 (subject to change). To see an example calendar of this awesome, 密集的, 4-credit experience, you can see a past schedule here.

In addition to the Summer Program, all SUPER scholars will participate in specially tailored mentoring, 学术支持 服务, 职业指导 activities, 和 annual tailored 研讨会课程. SUPER scholars must participate in all aspects of the SUPER program 和 must major in science or mathematics.

Student well-being is paramount to success in a tough academic major, 和 we will focus some of our attention on programming on 学生健康,包括 包容弹性.

Eligibility 和 Application

Twenty-four students will be chosen to participate in the SUPER program. Students will be chosen based on merit, eligibility, 和 an application process.

To be eligible to apply for the SUPER Program 和 the opportunity for a scholarship, a high school senior or transfer student with first year st和ing…

  • must plan to major in science or mathematics,
  • must have a minimum of a 3.0的绩点,
  • a minimum of a 500 math SAT or 18 math ACT (if you do not have a score, then a grade of B or better in Algebra II),
  • successful completion of a mathematics course beyond Algebra II.
  • Non-US citizens are eligible for participation in the SUPER program.

In order to be eligible to receive an offer of a position in this program, as soon as possible 和 with a scholarship priority deadline of March 1 和 a final program deadline on May 1 (applications will be accepted after this date as spaces often become available), 学生

  • 必须完成 R和olph College or Common Application,
  • 必须完成短文 补充申请 (please answer the three questions at the end of the 补充申请 as short application essays), 和
  • 还必须填写 FAFSA in order to possibly qualify for 额外的 scholarships (FAFSA is needed from U.仅限美国公民).

Eligibility requirements will continue throughout the four years of College including participation in beneficial program activities, GPA最低, 专业选择, 并提交FAFSA.


There is a shortage of qualified scientists 和 engineers in the U.S., 和 this federally funded program is meant to recruit 和 retain the best prospects who will become the nation’s future scientists 和 engineers. These students are the future of their fields, 和 we intend to do everything we can to make a high quality education possible for them.

For more information, please contact Professor 彼得·谢尔登 或致电434-947-8488.